Michael Christian Jacobs AKA Lyll Mykk is a christian Hip hop artist formerly of the Holy Unit Abatukuvu that was currently rebranded to SALT NATION,he is famous for his hit track “Kakana” from his Square Circles Mixtape(Hosted By Dj S-kam Zac) The One Question Network caught up with him,hear what he has to say about the current Gospel music industry state in Uganda and other interesting factors about his life.
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Is gospel music a genre and what classification of music do you do?
According to how I interpret the word ‘Gospel’ which means Good news, I think it’s not a genre.
A genre is a particular type of literature, painting, music, film, or other art form which people consider as a class because it has special characteristics. Like everyone knows Art is meant to portray a message therefore the gospel (good news) can be spread through different genres.
As Christians who do recording artistry I trust our purpose is to make moon pieces that reflect the light of the SON. For me it’s through the genre of hip-hop. Which is a kind of popular dance music characterized of regular heavy beats, some people call rhythm, which is accompanied with spoken word poetry.
Tell us more about SALT NATION.
Salt Nation is a Christian entertainment label dedicated to making the good news bolder in Music, film, fashion and theater.
At the start of the road, we were just a music group, Holy Unit Abbatukuvu, along the way; God gave us this vision that literally changed everything.
Salt Nation follows the great commission of Jesus Christ by preparing singers, actors, models, dancers and comedians to ‘go into the world’ of arts and entertainment with love and excellence as reflections of Christ and his truth.
Jesus used the concepts of ‘salt and light’ a number of different times to refer to the role of his followers in the world. One example is found in Mathew 5:13 this is why we are SALT. NATION simply means we are a group of companies which include a Recording studio, a television station, Artists and event management, and a motion pictures company.
Is it easy to join SALT NATION and what does it take?
Yes, it is easy to join us, but like any other organization all things are done in a certain way. The members of SALT NATION consist of persons professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ through performing arts; this means your gifts in this regard qualify you to join the label.
What does it take? Simple, your interest in the group and willingness for an audition!
Who is Lyll Mykk by description and is that your birth name?
Lyll Mykk is a recording hip hop artist, TV and Film Actor and arts educator. My heart is in making art that is meant to restore the lost goodness in the Hip Hop culture. To speak truthfully about injustices in our world and our sinful condition through lyrics and media that scream of the worth of following Christ.
My desire is to reach out to that girl in a woman’s refugee looking for hope, to that young man looking for guidance in a brother. To a believer who needs courage on the journey of faith, to the revolutionaries looking to bring social change. To the teacher looking to reach the kids in a classroom and to you who needs to relax your mind on music with a positive influence.
Lyll Mykk is just a stage name; it’s a short form for Live Your Life like Mykk. Jesus instructed us to go out and make disciples, so they can like Paul said, follow us as we follow Him (Christ). That’s the mix behind Lyll Mykk. My birth name though is Michael Christian Jacobs.
What have been your Miles stones in this year 2013?
Am so thankful to the almighty that this year has been a good year for me and I trust 2014 is even going to be greater, you know it’s always from glory to glory.
First every time I get a call for a mission outside the country I never take that lightly, its God entrusting you with a season message for his people in far country, it’s an office I always gladly step into with a forever thankful heart.
In May I got to perform at the Hindurwa (be changed) concert at New Life Bible church in Kigali Rwanda, then my first major solo mix tape project (square circles) drops and we get to release it in Dar es salaam Tanzania in October, I am also going to be performing at the annual pass over festival at Mandela national stadium on 31st December, what a way to round off the year baby!
This year still we got to register SALT NATION and officially opened up for kingdom business, a lot of great doors have been opening and I am still counting.
We no longer here much from Holy Unit Abbatukuvu,did its cease to exist?
Am afraid you won’t be hearing much from it any more still, but technically though you have been all this time. We rebranded to SALT NATION, so did it cease to exist? Nuhhhhhhh!
Which people or person do you look up to and why?
Lecrea Moore of Reach life records. He says he is an indigenous minister to the urban culture. His heart is in reaching out to anybody who is influenced by hip hop. He uses the culture tools and contexts to uplift Jesus Christ and unpack his truth to the rest of the world. That is what Lyll Mykk is all about and I wouldn’t find a better role model. I love to call him, the modern day Paul.
What’s your verdict on the current state of the Ugandan gospel music industry?
I want to look at it from the level of involvement, unlike years back, when Christianity was branded for the old and failures, several youth in urban churches have opened their hearts to musical participation and this has brought a great change in the ministry. Traditional Hymnals have been replaced by hard hitting lyrics that speak of today and a God that is fully in control of our times.
Youth directed Christian music has gone farther than the church and can be found on radio, TV, in concert halls and at huge rallies and festivals. Artists have gone out of the box and expanded to include a vast array of styles so regardless of any body’s taste in music style, today they can find an alternative something of interest to listen to.
The industry now boasts of our own video shows, radio and T.V stations, awards, publications and web sites.
The change itself hasn’t been overnight. It has taken many years requiring sacrifices from artists who weren’t afraid to go against tradition with a need to spread the indigenous gospel through music that keeps up with the changing times.
Eventually a boy becomes a man; currently the gospel music industry in Uganda is in its teens.
Do you think Deejays have an important role in the promotion of music and why is it that many moments when artistes are giving credits they skip the Deejays?
Absolutely, well as the artists pass the ball through midfield the deejays put it in the net where it is supposed to be. It’s their magic on the one twos that makes a record popular among the people. Keeps the party going if you know what am talking about.
I wouldn’t want to speak for the rest, but as for me, I love to give honor were honor is due.
What inspirational quote makes your day?
‘I can do all things through Christ Jesus, who strengthens me,’ or like once a wise man said, ‘yes I can.’
The am positive I can attitude has helped me to always generate the power, skill and energy I need to execute every assignment I give myself.
Are you married, single, not interested, dumped or dating?
Am seeing someone, she is a woman, every time she calls me I don’t want to hung up.
How would you like to be remembered?
I want someone to buy a book and read about a man they wrote about as one of God’s Generals in the field of engaging and transforming the urban culture. Prayerfully hoping whatever they read coupled with the evidence of the works God put up through me, affects their lives forever.
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