“Beauty is only skin deep! No one cares if you’re beautiful on the inside, that’s not what hooks people. you gotta make an effort to first be presentable on the outside then we’ll pay attention to what’s on the inside- if it’s necessary”
I don’t quote this opinionated woman lightly. my thoughts in regard to her sentiments cannot be defined in one particular direction. I agree with her to an extent but I very largely disagree with her on the other hand.
However, approval or not, I must say she echoes the prevalent school of thought in this generation. Just from an observers point of view, it is quite obvious that ‘Beauty is only skin deep’! Young women, future mothers, wives, thought leaders- all believe it and as such capitalise on the outward appearance like they’re in some sort of beauty contest.
Heck, even some employers believe it. They’d rather give the job to an empty-headed good-looking girl than to a sober minded average looking one. All in the name of attracting consumers to their product. Don’t get me wrong! I’m not saying a girl shouldn’t look all that… I’m just saying there’s got to be more to a person than what meets the eye.
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I’m not shaming beauty but man, there’s got to be some brains attached to it. It’s very unbecoming to speak to a person and realise they have nothing to offer except their looks. And more and more, it seems to be the norm. Even with the next generation. The media is grooming them to be empty headed dolls and parents seem to be pushing them in that direction!
What do you have to offer the world?!