Mobile Monday 19th Nov 2012

Colin Asiimwe- Twitterview
Nov 9, 2012
Kidron Googofella
Dec 13, 2012

Mobile Monday 19th Nov 2012

Mobile Monday (Momo Kla) is a  monthly event that takes usually on Monday evenings at different locations.It encompasses a group of gallant people majorly the youth and the change makers in the Mobile technology industry. We happened to attend the last mobile Monday event for this year 2012 at Hive colab at Kanjokya house.

The theme for that Event was “How will the democratization of mobile broadband impact our lives; what are the possibilities?” and the speakers included : MTN Uganda’s new Chief Marketing Officer, Ernst Fonternel, Babak Fakhamzadeh, winner of the UN WSA-Mobile competition for Tourism and Culture who demontrated his amazing Derive app, and Head of Sales and Marketing for Smile Communications, Mark Pritchard. The Speakers Panel was chaired by intrepid Communications Consultant, Maureen Agena.

What caught my eye was the Dérive app, this app aids in the exploration of urban space in a care free more casual way,it uses a situation based approach that is merged with digital means in order to create a tool that would imply an exploration of urban space in a random unplanned way as a game.

The Event Left me challenged to be more of a contributor to the internet in terms of content rather than being a recipient .

By: Kamugisha Samuel


The One Question Network
The One Question Network
The One Question Network (ONEQN) is a people focused and growth motivated online platform founded in 2012 with a mission of showcasing a variety of uniquely gifted personalities that are impacting their communities, whether it’s where they live or around the world.