Several Events happen all around the world many of them are not brought to people’s attention which can contribute to low turn ups and less exposure. Qn-connection is an avenue of promoting different events(conferences, concerts , dinners , forums) that happen around the world in different intervals of time, this aides to provide extra exposure . Qn-connection is further categorized as follows:
Qn-Connects: These are Events that The One Question Network team has attended and write the summary of the event, where it was & what it was about.
I-report: This is Event information provided by any one via email and the contributor describes the event in their perspective the credits of the contributor are posted on the oneqn site. The format of information delivery includes both Images and text.
Shutter: Pictures speak much more volumes than text and under the shutter category the Events are reported in images , capturing different scenes of the Event.
Qn-Events: This category mentions the upcoming events clearly stipulating where they will be, dates and time.