Brian Mutebi

Festo and Ejakait, Episode 2: Bank Scene, Take 1
Feb 8, 2013
Henry Ngonzi
Feb 12, 2013

Brian Mutebi

Brian Mutebi is a confident and ambitious individual with a great drive and enthusiasm for information and communication technologies. Read more about him.

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How can you describe yourself in three words?
Cool, calm, collected!

So what do you do to earn a living?
I run an organization called CCDI dealing in software development and other IT services

Farming versus IT , which makes more money and why?
Well, it’s kind of hard to determine which one makes more but to me I think it entirely depends on the scale at which one is doing his/her business. You cannot compare a farmer having over 20 hectares of land and doing good farming on it to a person having a small IT firm and vice versa.

Word has it that you are aiding ICT development in Uganda through CCDI. Tell us more.
It’s true. In CCDI, we aid ICT development in Uganda by training our members with different techniques in all aspects of computing through which they acquire practical skills. On top of that we help different businesses in their management through provision of software management systems, IT support, etc.

What do you do in your free time?
During my free time I go out with my friends and have some fun, I also go swimming and I enjoy watching soccer matches, especially when Manchester United is on the pitch.


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The One Question Network
The One Question Network (ONEQN) is a people focused and growth motivated online platform founded in 2012 with a mission of showcasing a variety of uniquely gifted personalities that are impacting their communities, whether it’s where they live or around the world.